dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2011

Resources for Kinesthetic learners

Now I want to write down some advices for kinesthetic learners to improve their study skills.

1) Use bright colors to highlight reading material
To mark the important things in a text or a reading will help us better understand what we are trying to read, and the variety of colors divide the paragraphs into different steps in order to organize them and understand the readings.
2) The activity of creating pie charts, graphs and drawing will help you to learn
Writing down notes about the texts and working with various methods such as graphics and drawings helps to concentrate on the subject you are studying, thus facilitating learning.
3) If you wish, listen to music while you study
Lot of Kinesthetic learners use to concentrate better during their study if they are listening to music. Maybe not all kinds of music are good for concentrate, but music is a good resource to improve the Kinesthetic learner’s concentration. 

4) Take frequent study breaks
Kinesthetic learners prefer to take some study breaks while they are studying because they need to relax a bit after doing much intellectual effort.
5) Taking notes in class

Kinesthetic learners take notes while they are listening to an explanation in class because it maintains active their attention and concentration. As a result, they learn a lot using that method of learning.

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