dijous, 22 de desembre del 2011

Grammar and Vocabulary Resources

If you want to learn the English Language in a short period of time you should learn the English grammar and vocabulary. It’s not necessary to study grammar to learn English, but it’s the most quickly way to do it. Furthermore you will be more likely to do some kind of activities or other depending of what kind of learner you are.
But I think that the best way for studying grammar is reading a good grammar book and also doing lot of grammar exercises. It also can be funny, because nowadays you can find lot of grammar web pages that are for every level of English learners.
One possible good choice could be a mixture between theory and games or web exercises, which are usually funnier than the grammar book exercises.
Another possibility, but this is a little bit more difficult is to learn the basic theory and speak in English with other English learners with the same level as you. This is a strategy very appreciated by the young people, but it’s really helpful. Some student have the opportunity id doing Erasmus or other exchanging programs like this while there are studying their degrees.
But when you are studying a new language like English not all that you should know is grammar, there is another important thing that you must deal with, this is vocabulary. There are many different ways of learning vocabulary. I will recommend you some of my personal strategies for learning vocabulary.
Firstly you can read books, magazines or something like that, but it’s not very funny for all the people, other people prefer to watch an English film with subtitles and try to understand what the characters say. But there is also one other resource that comes up to my mind, music. Everybody loves music, rock, pop, blues…I’s the same. You can download your favorite songs lyrics from internet and later you can try to translate the lyrics into your own language, it’s so funny!
In conclusion, I can say that there are a lot of available resources for learning grammar and vocabulary, and they could be funny as well as educative.

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