divendres, 23 de desembre del 2011

How can you become a good English speaker?

Speaking in a foreign language is difficult if you don’t have few behavior rules. It can be a frightening thing if you are not used to speak in English. But you can do some things to get used to speak in English.
The most evident strategy to improve your English is speaking with someone who can understand you and also who can speak in English to you. If you can speak with a Native Speaker is better, because if you speak with a classmate both of you do mistakes and it’s not the same as if you speak with a native English speaker. But if you cannot speak with an English native you can meet new foreign people who speak English in a chartroom or something like that, I specially recommend Skype because it’s easy to use, you can see the person and also it’s free.
Another funny thing that you can do to improve your speaking is watching English films and TV programs, and repeat what they say in the same way that they say. If you imitate them you will be little better speaking in English.
Also you can try to speak aloud with yourself, it’s not funny and you will not have any response to your questions, but you will be more confident to speak with somebody when you need to speak in English. Because some part of the problems with the speaking are related to the shame of the speakers, so encourage yourself and speak aloud.
Maybe sometimes you will be asked at the school to do oral expositions, and then it’s a good time to improve your speaking, what how your classmates do their own expositions and learn of their mistakes. But if you want to know few advice of speaking in public, let me explain a few tricks:
-Don’t be too long with your explanation, give only the important details.
-Highlight your intention during the speaking
-Don’t be monotonous, use the word stress. In other word don’t speak peacefully all the time, because if you d that the people will be bored.

In conclusion if you want to be a good speaker one day, you should practice a lot before become that. So don’t waste more time and start speaking English!

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