divendres, 23 de desembre del 2011

How can you be a good English listener?

Most of the English learners think that learn to listen and understand all the words that the others English speakers say is essential to be a good listener, but it’s another myth about the English language. You, as in your mother language are able to understand the meaning of a conversation or a sentence without understanding all the words. When you are listening someone speaking in English you provably listen some words that you aren’t familiar with and because that you cannot understand what the speaker said but you can answer what this “lost words” mean.
There are many things that you can do in order to improve your ability to listen other speakers; it’s obvious that the best and more efficient way to improve it is practicing a lot, but it’s difficult if you haven’t got the necessary tools. Fortunately internet gives us lot of incredible thing, and of course you can find interesting web pages about listening in English. There are lots of exercises that you can do, first you listen to an oral text or a conversation, and after that you are asked to answer some questions about the listening that you listen before doing the activities.
Other strategy that you can use to improve your listening ability is listening to other people, you can meet new international friends in a chat and later speak and listen they by Skype, a program that lets you speak with everyone you want wherever he or she is and the best of all, it’s totally free.
You can learn a lot listening the other people, because you can look how they pronounce every word and you can imitate it later when you talk and also you can understand it better when you listen this word in a regular conversation.
In conclusion, the best way that you can improve your listening is listening to other speakers and memorizes how the words sound, because if you do that you will be a good listener. Don’t forget that doing this can be very fun if you speak with a friend.

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