divendres, 23 de desembre del 2011

How can you become a good English speaker?

Speaking in a foreign language is difficult if you don’t have few behavior rules. It can be a frightening thing if you are not used to speak in English. But you can do some things to get used to speak in English.
The most evident strategy to improve your English is speaking with someone who can understand you and also who can speak in English to you. If you can speak with a Native Speaker is better, because if you speak with a classmate both of you do mistakes and it’s not the same as if you speak with a native English speaker. But if you cannot speak with an English native you can meet new foreign people who speak English in a chartroom or something like that, I specially recommend Skype because it’s easy to use, you can see the person and also it’s free.
Another funny thing that you can do to improve your speaking is watching English films and TV programs, and repeat what they say in the same way that they say. If you imitate them you will be little better speaking in English.
Also you can try to speak aloud with yourself, it’s not funny and you will not have any response to your questions, but you will be more confident to speak with somebody when you need to speak in English. Because some part of the problems with the speaking are related to the shame of the speakers, so encourage yourself and speak aloud.
Maybe sometimes you will be asked at the school to do oral expositions, and then it’s a good time to improve your speaking, what how your classmates do their own expositions and learn of their mistakes. But if you want to know few advice of speaking in public, let me explain a few tricks:
-Don’t be too long with your explanation, give only the important details.
-Highlight your intention during the speaking
-Don’t be monotonous, use the word stress. In other word don’t speak peacefully all the time, because if you d that the people will be bored.

In conclusion if you want to be a good speaker one day, you should practice a lot before become that. So don’t waste more time and start speaking English!

How can you be a good writer of English?

In all of the languages that you learn, it’s very important learning how to write, and English is not an exception. Writing could be one of the most difficult takes for a learner, because most of the people try to translate the word to English from their own language, but in English for example the structural order of a sentence is different from the Spanish order, and if you are trying to do a literal translation you will make an incoherent sentences.
But I can give to you a few advises of how to be a good writer.
First of all, you should know what is the reason because you are writing something. It’s important because the first thing that you must note is the things that you want to communicate. If you list it, it will be easy for you to write them.
Secondly, you should decide who is going to read what you write or for who is the message that you write, because you cannot write in the same way to a school teacher as you write a fried or a relative.
Third, you should decide what style of writing you will use, formal or informal. If you haven’t got a very close relation with the reader, you should use a formal style, but if you are a close friend, you can use the informal one.
After that you should decide the type of document that you will write and also the structure that you are going to divide the text. A good idea is to do a paragraph for each main point.
The last thing that you should take care of after writing is correcting the word spelling, the punctuation, the grammatical and vocabulary errors and the disposition of the ideas.
Another thing that is very useful is to do some drafts before you start writing the good one. Because every time you rewrite you will do better.
In conclusion, if you follow these steps you will probably write in a decent way, so write and revise your ideas.

How can you be a good English listener?

Most of the English learners think that learn to listen and understand all the words that the others English speakers say is essential to be a good listener, but it’s another myth about the English language. You, as in your mother language are able to understand the meaning of a conversation or a sentence without understanding all the words. When you are listening someone speaking in English you provably listen some words that you aren’t familiar with and because that you cannot understand what the speaker said but you can answer what this “lost words” mean.
There are many things that you can do in order to improve your ability to listen other speakers; it’s obvious that the best and more efficient way to improve it is practicing a lot, but it’s difficult if you haven’t got the necessary tools. Fortunately internet gives us lot of incredible thing, and of course you can find interesting web pages about listening in English. There are lots of exercises that you can do, first you listen to an oral text or a conversation, and after that you are asked to answer some questions about the listening that you listen before doing the activities.
Other strategy that you can use to improve your listening ability is listening to other people, you can meet new international friends in a chat and later speak and listen they by Skype, a program that lets you speak with everyone you want wherever he or she is and the best of all, it’s totally free.
You can learn a lot listening the other people, because you can look how they pronounce every word and you can imitate it later when you talk and also you can understand it better when you listen this word in a regular conversation.
In conclusion, the best way that you can improve your listening is listening to other speakers and memorizes how the words sound, because if you do that you will be a good listener. Don’t forget that doing this can be very fun if you speak with a friend.

dijous, 22 de desembre del 2011

Reading Resources

When you are learning a new language or your level is not very good, you will probably deal with a very common problem, reading in a foreign language. Lot of the people who has this problem is because they are afraid to forget something in the text, but you shouldn’t be afraid of that because it’s not truth. You needn’t understand all the words in a sentence to understand what the text wants to say to you. So you don’t need to look for all the words while you are reading. Other advises that I can give to the English readers is that is better if they choose the appropriate level of reading.
If you are a starter reader, don’t read complex books or plays that belong to an upper level. Also you must vary your reading strategies according to what are you reading. You don’t read in the same way a novel as a restaurant menu. When you are reading you can read in three different ways.
The first one is skimming, that consist on reading quickly a short text in order to understand the main ideas (for example a back book).
The second one is scanning that consists on looking for a specific point of information that you have previously into your mind (ex: a restaurant menu).
And the last one is Reading for detail that consist of reading carefully a text. For example a new cooking recipe.
Another fact that is so relevant is that we can predict the words that follow the ones that we read, we can guess what the text is going to say, sometimes we guessed right and other times we don’t.
There are some things that you can do to improve you’re reading. For example you can read every kind of texts into English, you can read the instructions to set something or a cooking recipe that you already know in you language.

Grammar and Vocabulary Resources

If you want to learn the English Language in a short period of time you should learn the English grammar and vocabulary. It’s not necessary to study grammar to learn English, but it’s the most quickly way to do it. Furthermore you will be more likely to do some kind of activities or other depending of what kind of learner you are.
But I think that the best way for studying grammar is reading a good grammar book and also doing lot of grammar exercises. It also can be funny, because nowadays you can find lot of grammar web pages that are for every level of English learners.
One possible good choice could be a mixture between theory and games or web exercises, which are usually funnier than the grammar book exercises.
Another possibility, but this is a little bit more difficult is to learn the basic theory and speak in English with other English learners with the same level as you. This is a strategy very appreciated by the young people, but it’s really helpful. Some student have the opportunity id doing Erasmus or other exchanging programs like this while there are studying their degrees.
But when you are studying a new language like English not all that you should know is grammar, there is another important thing that you must deal with, this is vocabulary. There are many different ways of learning vocabulary. I will recommend you some of my personal strategies for learning vocabulary.
Firstly you can read books, magazines or something like that, but it’s not very funny for all the people, other people prefer to watch an English film with subtitles and try to understand what the characters say. But there is also one other resource that comes up to my mind, music. Everybody loves music, rock, pop, blues…I’s the same. You can download your favorite songs lyrics from internet and later you can try to translate the lyrics into your own language, it’s so funny!
In conclusion, I can say that there are a lot of available resources for learning grammar and vocabulary, and they could be funny as well as educative.

dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2011

Resources for Kinesthetic learners

Now I want to write down some advices for kinesthetic learners to improve their study skills.

1) Use bright colors to highlight reading material
To mark the important things in a text or a reading will help us better understand what we are trying to read, and the variety of colors divide the paragraphs into different steps in order to organize them and understand the readings.
2) The activity of creating pie charts, graphs and drawing will help you to learn
Writing down notes about the texts and working with various methods such as graphics and drawings helps to concentrate on the subject you are studying, thus facilitating learning.
3) If you wish, listen to music while you study
Lot of Kinesthetic learners use to concentrate better during their study if they are listening to music. Maybe not all kinds of music are good for concentrate, but music is a good resource to improve the Kinesthetic learner’s concentration. 

4) Take frequent study breaks
Kinesthetic learners prefer to take some study breaks while they are studying because they need to relax a bit after doing much intellectual effort.
5) Taking notes in class

Kinesthetic learners take notes while they are listening to an explanation in class because it maintains active their attention and concentration. As a result, they learn a lot using that method of learning.